Kubernetes cheat sheet — to get up and running.
Below is a list of the commands I most commonly use in Kubernetes.
Accessing a pod
kubectl exec -ti <pod name> -n <namespace> bash
kubectl exec -ti app-php-59d59ccc98-98z6w -n app bash
This will allow you to interact with the pod. For example, if I wanted to list the directory structure.
ls -la
View cron tasks
To see all the active cronjobs run:
kubectl get jobs -n <namespace>
kubectl get jobs -n app
To watch all the jobs in real time
kubectl get jobs -n app --watch
To get the state of a cron job run:
kubectl get cronjob <name> -n <namespace>
kubectl get cronjob scheduler -n app
Get all pods
Get all the pods within the cluster
kubectl get pods -A
To get all the pods within a namespace run:
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
kubectl get pods -n app
Retrieve the logs from a pod
When something goes wrong with a pod. The best course of action is to check the logs or the description of a pod. Often, this will tell you exactly what is wrong.
To do this run both of these commands.
Describe pod:
kubectl describe pod <pod> -n <namespace>
kubectl describe pod app-php-59d59ccc98-98z6w -n app
Check logs:
kubectl describe pod <pod> -n <namespace>
kubectl logs app-php-59d59ccc98-98z6w -n app
If you wanted to see the logs in realtime. I.E have the logs keep updating and not having to run the command each time use -f
For instance, if we wanted to see all the traffic coming in from nginx we could use -f
to see the logs in realtime and keep refreshing the domain http://example.com/ and see the requests instantly.
kubectl logs app-nginx-79f99c558f-55gl5 -n app -f
Manage users
Check all the active users on the cluster
eksctl get iamidentitymapping --cluster app-cluster --region eu-west-2
Add new user to the cluster
ksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster app-cluster --arn arn:aws:iam::754717905083:user/<username> --group system:masters --username <username> --region eu-west-2
Remove user
eksctl delete iamidentitymapping --cluster <cluster> --arn arn:aws:iam::754711234567:user/<username> --region eu-west-2
Check what your userID, accountID and ARN is
aws sts get-caller-identity
Change clusters
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region eu-west-2 --name cluster-two
Get general information on TLS certificates
kubectl get Issuers,ClusterIssuers,Certificates,CertificateRequests,Orders,Challenges -A
Get all events
This will list all events happening within kubernetes. This command is very useful, I often use it to check the past state of the cron-jobs running and checking the state of certificates or helm package installs.
kubectl get events -A